Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Got into a car accident

Okay, so this is kind of late, but I got in a car accident last Friday Sept. 19th. My good friend and co-worker Tiffany and I went to Arby's to pick up some yummy lunch and on the way back we were stopped at a red light and *CRASH* a Dodge Ram Hemi smashed into my car! Luckily Tiffany and I got out of it unscathed, with just a minor headache and backache. Here is what my car currently looks like! I know it is scary, but it is going in the shop on Monday!!


  1. That sucks! glad you are ok! i too felt the need to join the times and get a blogspot a while back so enjoy..its mainly me rambling on.

  2. Ugh...bummer! Glad you guys are okay though! Cute blog, love it!!
